This guide will take you through the process of how to adjust your recall schedule in FLEX.

To access this part you will need access to the Setup of FLEX, specifically the Examination Setup. If you can, then please proceed, if not, please ask a staff member that can access this part of the system.

Please proceed to the following section of FLEX: 

Menu > Setup > Examinations > Sight Exams > Recall Categories > Sight Examinations. Then please follow the steps below: 

You should see something like this

If you want to change the name of the recall category, double click on the category you want to change and it will become editable, like so:

You can now free-type the name. Once you have finished, single click out of that box to save the name.

  1. If you want to change the schedule you already have in place (e.g. start sending emails and then a letter as a substitue) double click on the line you want to change on the right right side of the screen

  2. Once you have done this you will now see this screen
  3. Now you can change it from a letter going out first to an email, then sending out a letter as a substitute (if that patient doesn't have an email address they will get a letter).
    As you can see below (in the red boxes) these are where the choices are made to make sure that we are selecting the correct methods and reminder templates. Press save to complete your changes.
  4. It will look like this once finished:
In summary, in this guide the 12 Month Recall category has been changed to send out an email to the patient for their first reminder on their due date and if they don't have an email address they will get a letter. 

If this has been done you will notice a yellow warning triangle appear in FLEX. This means the changes that you have made to take effect will need a Support member to rebuild your timeline. If you want more information please go here.