This guide will take you through the process of updating the appointment diary in FLEX.

To access this part you will need access to the Setup of FLEX, specifically the Appointments Setup. If you can, then please proceed, if not, please ask a staff member that can access this part of the system.

If you need to change the staff hours, you will need to follow Appointments Setup - Adjusting staff hours guide and then come back here to carry on adjusting the diary.

Please proceed to the following section of FLEX: 

Menu > Setup > Appointments > General. Then please follow the steps below:

  1. Click on the next button (located on the right of the screen) three times. This will take you to the appointment diary section of FLEX. 
  2. As you can see here, there is already something built for Wednesday. This guide is going to go through how to build for the rest of the week. 

    First of all left-click on the diary section on the right side, then left-click on the little diary at the top middle of the screen. You can either do it one day at a time or hold the control button down and left-click as seen below
  3. Once you have done the above click and drag the group from the left to the right of the screen and you will see the two extra days now in the diary
  4. If you need to delete the days on the right, click on the days on the top middle calendar, right-click the calendar on the right and choose 'delete all selected dates'. This will remove what you have just done or what you don't need anymore. As seen below:

    Those days that have been deleted can either be used for another group or to leave it blank