This guide will take you through the process of adjusting the staff hours in FLEX.

To access this part you will need access to the Setup of FLEX, specifically the Appointments Setup. If you can, then please proceed, if not, please ask a staff member that can access this part of the system.

Please proceed to the following section of FLEX: 

Menu > Setup > Appointments > General. Then please follow the steps below:

  1. Click on the next button (located on the right of the screen) three times. This will take you to the staff hours section of FLEX.

    For this guide the staff hours have some very basic hours built already, working a 9am - 5pm working day with a 1-hour lunch.
  2. If you want to add a new group, double-click on the left table (where we have Test Room (Weekday) etc.). Choose a name for the group that is relevant to you.
  3. Double-click on the left table to add the staff member and the default appointment reason, along with the start, end time and the length of the slots within that time period. 
  4. Once this has been set you may now move onto (re)building the diary. Which can be found here
    Appointments Setup - Updating the Appointment Diary