When creating or editing a patient record, there is a field which allows you to add the patient to a family. There are 2 options with corresponding buttons: Select Family & Add New Family.

1. Select Family

Next to the Family field there are two buttons. Click the Select Family button to bring up a list of existing families to add the patient to.

Select the required family from the list and click Select.

The family selected will now show in the Family field. If you have selected the wrong family or are removing a person from a family group, you can remove the assigned family by clicking on the red X next to the family name.

If you are happy with your selection, click the Save button at the bottom left of the page. 

2. Add New Family

Next to the Family field, click the Add New Family button to bring up the family creation window.

In the family creation window, type the name of the family you want to create and click Accept.

Once a family has been created and/or applied to the patient it will be displayed at the top left of the patient record with their Title, Name etc.