The version number is shown below the 'Log In' button on the login screen, it begins with the date in the format YYYY.MM.DD

04.09.2024 - Current Release





4136Stock TakeChanges to stock take screen to make the process more robust and the addition of a 'Reconcile' button to check counted stock against stock records.

4534Stock'Vision Type' (SV/BF/PROG/VARI) has been added when creating a new lens.
4540TransactionsMinor, low-impact, improvements to the till receipt.
4545ExaminationsA 'View' button has been added to the examinations table on the patient record, allowing a clinical record to be opened in read-only mode.

4546SettingsThe staff member search (in setup->Staff) now includes staff code.
4548ReportsMinor tweaks...
  • The markup calculation on the 'Stock Valuation' report has been updated.
  • Results are now returned based on the selected supplier(s).
4550eGOSThe field label 'Over 40' has been updated to 'Over 40 and family glaucoma history' in the eligibility section of eGOS claims.
4557DispenseAdditional validation added to the dispense measurements form to avoid errors when clearing values.





4533SettingsAddresses an issue where zero search results were being returned when searching on any page other than page 1, in the staff members table.
4538Petty CashAddresses an issue where petty cash entries were not being filtered by the currently selected branch setting.
4551DispenseAddresses an issue where the frame description and colour were not being populated correctly after selecting a frame, if there were multiple unconfirmed dispenses on the page.
4553DispenseAddresses an issue that causes an error when entering non-numeric values into dispense measurements.
4555OrdersAddresses an issue where an attempt to post an empty order status would cause an error.
4556Cash UpAddresses an issue where, under certain conditions, the difference value would be incorrect. 






4529TemplatesThe examiner's signature is now available as a merge field using [[exam.examiner_signature]] or the equivalent if you have opted to use merge fields per exam type. This will merge the examiner's temporary signature into your letter template.
4530PatientsThe signature capture feature has been enhanced to provide a more robust method of operation allowing the benefit to capture patient signatures simultaneously across devices.





4528TemplatesPostive values in prescriptions are now merged with a leading + sign.
4531SettingsAddresses an issue where user roles without the permission to 'delete appointments' were not able to update an existing appointment.






4329SystemTo keep you up to date with the latest features of Nova, you will receive an in-app notification with a link to the release notes everytime the application is updated.
4394RecallAn information button has been added to the right of the contact method, that will display the patient contact info for the selected recall.
4408eGOS/PatientsThe sort order of the eGOS table on the patient screen has been changed with the most recent claim at the top.
4453eGOSThe surgery address details and town are now added to the claim, when the following entitlements have been selected:

  • Glaucoma Risk
  • Glaucoma
  • Diabetes
  • Partially Sighted / Blind
4471DispenseFrame size has been added to the frame details section of the dispense screen.
4484eGOSThe response log is now displayed automatically when an eGOS claim is rejected, allowing the user to take any appropriate action.
4491ReportsLayout changes to the options section in the select reports screen.
4502TransactionsVarious changes have been made to the Transaction processing methods to improve their performance.
4512FormulaeThe functionality of formulae has been improved, with the following now available.

  • Minimum retail price
  • Round up/down to the nearest 10p, £1, £10 or £100





4424eGOSBenefit recipient field is no longer auto-populated when creating a GOS1 claim.
4446PatientsAddresses an issue where the pronoun field could not be set to blank if it had been populated.
4461PatientsThe behaviour of the 'Show Deceased' toggle has been updated so that the user can click on any part of it to update the patient list.
4486SchemesAddresses an issue where all scheme records were displayed regardless of the selected branch.
4490eGOSThe previous sight test field on eGOS1 claims is now populated based on the patient's previous sight exam. This functionality will operate slightly differently depending on whether you select a refraction when creating the form, to ensure that the date is populated correctly.
4493DispenseAddresses an issue where prism was not being included in the RX when selecting the 'Rx Type' during a dispense.
4494ClinicalAddresses an issue where inactive staff were being displayed in the staff dropdown list - new rules for staff members to appear are:

  • Must be active
  • Must have branch access to the branch where the exam is being created
  • Must have permission to create/edit sight exams
4496ReportsAddresses an issue when attempting to access reports if there are none assigned to your current user role.
4501TransactionsAddresses an issue when paying off a receipt from a branch other than where it was created.
4517RecallCertain characters in patient addresses are now replaced to ensure letters are processed by Docmail correctly. e.g. &.
4521eGOSCylinder values between 0.01 and 0.12 are now submitted as 0.25 to PCSE due to a limitation in the way they process claims.






4475SystemThe 'Contact Support' form now closes after the message has been sent.





4480ExaminationsAddresses an issue where the axis field could not be cleared to zero if the existing value was not needed.






4143EyeplanAn integration with Eyeplan has been added - the following functionality is available:

  • Ability to view Eyeplan member information via 'header widget' when a patient record is selected. This displays activity status / payment status / service type / number of years of membership.
  • Ability to create and edit eyeplan members directly from the patients 'header widget'.
  • Options added in stock for eyeplan pricing based on the px's eyeplan years of membership (formula pricing and manual pricing).
  • For any stock items with eyeplan pricing, the relevant pricing will come through as a discount automatically when the items are sold. It will display the relevant years of membership on the discount relating to this item also.
  • When saving a px record, if the px is an eyeplan member, it will now update the px details on the eyeplan system.

4373Appointments'Automatic Diary Notes' have been added to the diary. Available as an option per practice, activating auto notes adds pre-set text to the appointment notes box - see below.

 ha4378Templates'Dynamic Merge Fields (DMF)' have been added for clinical records.

DMF can be generated in two different ways, depending on how clinical exam types have been setup.

  • For flagged exam types
    • DMF are only generated for exam types that have flagged in setup as 'Sight Exam', 'CL Aftercare', CL Evaluation'.
  • For every exam type
    • DMF are generated foe every exam type that  exists.

4432SystemReport based permissions have been extended to allow individual reports to be shown/hidden for each staff role.

4463TemplatesMail merge fields are now displayed in alphabetical order.
4464eGOSBranch address is now printed at the bottom of the GOS2 when created from the eGOS section of the patient record.
4474AppointmentsPatient stars are now visible when booking an appointment.

TemplatesNew merge fields added:

  • [[]]
  • [[patient.surgery_address]]
  • [[]]
  • [[exam.examiner_goc_number]]
  • [[exam.examiner_list_number]]

  • [[]]
  • [[]]
  • [[]]
  • [[]]
  • [[]]
  • [[]]
  • [[]]
  • [[]]
  • [[]]
  • [[]]
  • [[]]
  • [[]]





4415Till Cash UpAddresses an issue where the closing float from the very first cash up was being selected as the opening float for new cash ups, every time.
4421eGOSAddresses an issue where the tint supplement amount was in
4436eGOSAddresses an issue where the '1st Pair' voucher amount to be claimed was out of sync with the 'Total Claim' amount.
4437Till Cash UpAddresses an issue where unconfirmed dispenses were being marked as 'Cashed Up' so they could not have further changes made to them.
HomescreenAddresses issues with the 'read/unread' flag not showing the correct number and messages not saving with the correct information.
4472Clinical RecordsAddresses an issue where removing clinical billing from an examination setup would cause the clinical record to crash.






4402RecallThe following changes have been made to the recall screen:
  • Recalls that cannot be sent using the primary recall method but can be sent using an alternate method are now listed in the 'Ready to Send' section and not the needs attention section. They are flagged as 'Alternate Method'.

  • Alternate methods are stepped through top-down when the primary method cannot be used.
4412Px SearchThe patient search function has been improved to make it less restrictive.

For example:

Alexander Edwards would be found using any of the following strings:

  • 'a edwards'
  • 'edward a'
  • 'alexander edwards'
  • 'edwards alexander'
  • 'edwards alex'





4405System PrintingChanges to the local printing app & device settings to make changing printers and printing overall, more stable.
4410AppointmentsChanges to ensure that appointment slots booked online at the same time as being booked in the practice cannot clash / overwrite each other.
4413TransactionsAddresses an issue where transactions could not be credited or voided if they had already been cashed up.






4395AppointmentsThe ability to print an appointment confirmation slip has been added. Accessible from the appointment booking window (see below) or the diary options panel, the slip has been designed to print on a receipt printer (80mm paper).






4393ReportsTwo new role permissions have been added to allow the 'Reports' & 'Dashboards' sections to be hidden.

4384OrdersIf a 'Tray number' was entered during a dispense, it is now carried through to the order record, additionally subsequent status updates will have the tray number copied down if left empty during the status update.

4385DispenseDispense measurements are copied from R to L, if the left measurement has not been entered.

'Direction' copies across regardless of whether a value exists in the Left.

4387OrdersThe default delivery address for orders has been changed to the practice address rather than the patients default address.
4388DiaryWhere an appointments is booked for 'today', the patient will no longer receive reminder messages, a confirmation message is still sent.
4391DiaryIt is now possible to add an alternative contact method for appointment reminders & confirmations.





4386TemplatesMergeFields from the sight examination record are now populated from the last 'Sight Exam' record - any other record types are skipped.

Note: The ability to merge from specific examination types has been submitted as a separate request.
4389DispenseDiscounts are now being correctly displayed on the receipt, in turn the fees & VAT are being calculated correctly (taking the discounts into account).

4392DiaryAddresses an issue where notification weren't being rescheduled after an appointment was moved using drag and drop.






4092PatientsCorporate entitlements are now displayed in the patient record, when hovering over the corporate name.

4107SchemesSchemes Records have been added allowing recurring payments to be easily tracked.

Setup direct debit collections through Optical Payment Services (OPS), integrated with NOVA - for ongoing lens schemes or to spread the cost of purchases.

Record goods collected against payments received for an up to date scheme/stock balance.

4267SchemesBank account & sort code now only accept UK bank formatting i.e. 6 numbers for sort code and 8 numbers for the bank account number.
4324Setup / StaffStaff first name and surname are now capitalised when adding a new staff member.
4331StockThe search option has been updated so that individual words are searched rather than phrases e.g. 'green sensity' will also find 'sensity green'.

4336Petty CashPetty cash can now be recorded, accessible from the 'Transactions' window.

Petty cash groups can be modified in setup, different VAT codes can be set against each group and the VAT calculated when petty cash is added.

Petty cash totals are displayed and taken into account when cashing up.

4337TransactionsAfter fully crediting an item on a transaction, the option now exists to add the item back into stock.

4346TransactionsA display only change has been made to how the patient total spend is calculated on the patient transaction summary window.
4347TransactionsCustom discounts can now be created, allowing the practice more control over how much is given and the descriptions used.

4353eGOSExamination record can be re-selected in the eGOS window and the details on the claim will be updated.
4374AppointmentsThe hyperlink on the patient name has been removed, it opened the patient record in the same window as the diary and was confusing. The link to the right of the patient name remains and will open the patient record in a new browser tab.

4375AppointmentsWhen only one staff member assigned in the diary for a given day, their full name will be displayed - when multiple staff members are assigned their initials will be displayed.

4377StockWhen only one Zebra label template exists the popup selection window is not displayed.






3981ExaminationsBinocular vision fields have been added,





4342TransactionsAddresses an issue where the date filters in the 'Find a Transaction' window did not trigger until another field was changed.
4345Home ScreenAddresses an issue where past appointments were still showing in the home screen diary widget.
4349ExaminationsChanges the sort order of prescriptions so the most recent is on top, in the 'View Previous Rx' pop-out window.






4335eGOSAddresses an issue where eGOS claims with an ampersand (&) in the establishment name would fail to send.
4340PatientsPrevents an error from occurring when deleting the date of birth for a patient. not set as private and when an NHS entitlement is added.






4294ExaminationsA new option has been added, under the 'Options' button with 'Grading' to 'Copy to Left'.






3568Diary SetupAppointment time templates in 'Opening Groups' can now be assigned to specific branches, allowing groups that are not available to all branches to be hidden.

3772DiaryWhere day notes have been added to the diary, a link appears on the 'Upcoming Appointments' widget so that they can be viewed.

3833RecallThe ability to set an alternative method for a recall step, when there is an issue with the current method has been added. Alternatives will appear in the 'Needs Attention' table in the recall window. 
4124Diary / Online

The ability to make appointment slots available online, at the point of building the diary, has been added.

4214Diary / OnlineAll slots, that have been made available online, for a day can now be removed using the 'Remove Day From Online' option in the actions window.
4246DiaryIt is now possible to drag/drop or paste an appointment onto a slot that is available online. The online slot will be removed.
4289Data MiningA data mining screen has been added to allow database searches to be created and marketing messages (email/SMS/letter) to be sent.

4306DiaryThe length of the default appointment reason set against slots in the diary can now be longer than the slot length and will be used when an appointment is booked.

e.g. you can have 15 minute slots setup, with a 30 minute ST as the default reason, and it will select 30 minutes if the appointment fits.
4317MarketingAn unsubscribe link is added to all marketing emails to comply with GDPR. The link will direct the recipient to a webpage where they can update their marketing preferences.

Recall/notification preferences are not affected.

4319SystemA 'User' filter has been added to the activity log screen.
4321TemplatesA 'Download Template' option has been added to allow document templates to be created by support and released to users.





4215RecallAddresses an issue where the Docmail pricing estimate was incorrect.








To streamline the booking process, after moving an appointment (copy/paste or drag/drop), if the room & slot length has not changed then the confirmation window is not displayed

3800eGOSeGOS 4 claims can now be created and submitted.
4190ExaminationsA GOS2 (Patient's Optical Prescription or Statement' can be printed from the examination visits table, on the patient record.
4230ExaminationsClicking back on a new examination will give the option to delete the new exam, to avoid creating blank examination records. Once an exam has been saved (or auto-saved) once it is no longer classed as



Rooms can be made inactive and hidden from the diary.

4265ExaminationsAn Rx rounding option has been added, available options are 0.01 or 0.25.
4283DiaryThe style/design of the appointment menu has been changed to improve the loading speed of the diary. 



The vision type in the lens selector is pre-populated from the dispensing record.



Eligibility check added to GOS3 claim window.


Home Screen

Diary widget now excludes cancelled appointments



Layout changes to the order report to avoid spilling onto a second page.



The 'Recalls' section will now auto-expand when recalls exist.



A stock removal option has been added to allow all stock items for a specific supplier to be removed. This option is restricted by a role permission.



Templates can now be deleted.



'Receipt Disclaimer' has been added, which prints at the end of the till receipt.







The display order of the 'Patients by Age' graph on the 'Patients' dashboard has been updated to show the age ranges in ascending order.



Negative values can no longer be entered for split length when creating opening hours. 



Negative values can no longer be entered as the slot lengths when creating appointment reasons.



Addresses an issue where the examiner field was not being set for new appointments



Form refresh after confirming a dispense, to update dispense status.


Online Diary

Appointment slots earlier than the current time are no longer offered via the online diary.



Notification templates can now be removed from order statuses without causing an error.



Ad-hoc letters can now be created for patients regardless of their choice recall/marketing choices.



Patients are no longer duplicated in the active px list if their title or name has been changed. 



Adding a previous surname to a patient record no longer affects the surname field.


Staff Tasks

Task details are no longer wiped after assigning users from the popup window.

4238StockAddresses an issue where the treatment type filter wasn't working.
4281DispenseThe tray number is now saved on field exit so that it can auto-populate the dispense confirmation window.