There are six homescreen widgets in Nova, each one is explained below:

Recalls & Notifications

  • The number of recalls that are due to be sent, telephoned or needing review is displayed in the recall widget.
  • The number of appointment / order notifications that are due to be sent are displayed in the notifications widget

Clicking any of the coloured tiles will take you the recalls screen

Tasks & Messages

Updated in real-time, the notification tiles tell you:

  • How many New and Active Tasks you have
  • Whether any New Actions have been added to tasks that you are collaborating on
  • Whether you have any New Messages in conversations that you are included in

Clicking any of the coloured tiles will take you to the relevant screen

Patient Search

Easily find patients by common search terms, add a new patient or view all patients

Read how to use the patient search in this document => Finding Patients

Upcoming Appointments

Displays a summary list of all appointments that are due, on the selected date, at your active branch. The list is updated throughout the day so you are always able to see which patients are due to arrive at the practice. 

The following options are available in the widget:

  1. Navigate Backwards/Forwards one day & load the appointments for that day
  2. Open the diary
  3. Open the patient record
  4. Update the appointment 
  5. Open the 'Attended/Cancelled/Failed' menu