The options discussed on this page are found by selecting Menu > Setup > Orders > My Lens Catalogue
To view / update a Lens, double click on it from the left-hand pane of the "My Lens Catalogue" screen in Menu > Setup > Orders >. The window shown below will appear:

Ranges can be entered in the bottom pane. Double-click into a new row to enter values.
Treatments also appear in this window. To see a list of all available coatings (from this manufacturer) and the selected coatings on the lens, press the "Kaleidoscope" button

The window below is shown:

Current Treatments on the lens are shown in the left-hand pane, Available Treatments (all from that manufacturer) are shown in the right-hand pane.
Drag and drop a treatment from right to left to add it to that lens. To add a new treatment, press the + button to bring up the following window:

Drag and drop a treatment from right to left to add it to that lens. To add a new treatment, press the + button to bring up the following window:

A Code, Description, and Price(s) can be entered, along with the Type - the different letter explanations are shown to the right of the drop-down menu. Sales Group and Formula.
When you are happy with all your work, press Save.
When you are happy with all your work, press Save.