
  • Items Due for Collection

Options: Date range / Branches

Description: A list of contact lenses that are due to be collected, in the selected date range (based on the px collection schedule). Includes lens description, specification collection date, pack size & qty required.

  • Stock Valuation

Options: Date range / Branch / Product Group / Product Status / Supplier

Description: A detailed list of stock items including descriptions, cost price / retail price, qty sold and % markup. Grouped by supplier and branch.


  • Sales by Group

Options: Date range / Branch / Sales Group

Description: Summary report of sales by group, including total sales, qty sales, credits / discounts, gross sales, fees (prof / disp.) net sales and VAT.

  • Sales by Item

Options: Date range / Branch / Sales Group

Description: A detailed version of the sales by group report. Grouped by sales group with totals per group and branch.

  • Sales (Detailed)

Options: Date range / Branch / Product Group / Product Status / Supplier

Description: A detailed breakdown of sales, in the selected date range - including patient name, item description, transaction date, qty, gross & VAT. Grouped by sales with totals per group and branch.

  • Payments by Group

Options: Date range / Branch / Payment Method

Description: Summary report of payments by group, including total payments, fees (prof / disp.) and VAT.

  • Payments by Method

Options: Date range / Branch / Payment Method

Description: Summary table showing payment method and total.

  • Payments (Detailed)

Options: Date range / Branch / Payment Method

Description: A detailed breakdown of payments, in the selected date range - including patient name, payment method, date and amount. Grouped by method with totals per method and branch.

  • Balances

Options: Date range / Branch

Description: Summary table showing transactions with balances within the chosen date range, showing transaction id, date, px details, total sales, total payments, balance outstanding and the age of the debt in days. 

  • Discounts

Options: Date range / Branch

Description: Detailed list of discounts applied to transactions, showing date & time, px details, discount description, amount and staff member. Grouped & sub-totalled by date and totalled by branch.

  • Credits

Options: Date range / Branch

Description: Detailed list of items that have been credited on transactions, showing date & time, px details, reason for credits, credit amount and staff member. Grouped & sub-totalled by date and totalled by branch.

  • Refunds

Options: Date range / Branch / Sales Group

Description: Summary report of sales by group, including total sales, qty sales, credits / discounts, gross sales, fees (prof / disp.) net sales and VAT. 

  • Sales by Group (by Cashup)

Options: Date range / Branch / Sales Group

Description: Summary report of sales by group, including total sales, qty sales, credits / discounts, gross sales, fees (prof / disp.) net sales and VAT. Grouped by the cashup date & time.

  • Payments by Group

Options: Date range / Branch / Payment Method

Description: Summary report of payments by group, including total payments, fees (prof / disp.) and VAT. 

Grouped by the cashup date & time.

  • Profit by Group

Options: Date range / Branch / Sales Group

Description: Summary report of sales by group, including total cost of sales, total sales revenue, qty, credits / discounts, gross sales, gross profit and % margin. Totalled by branch.

  • Profit (Detailed)

Options: Date range / Branch / Sales Group

Description: Detailed breakdown of sales within each sales group, item description, total cost of sales, total sales revenue, qty, credits / discounts, gross sales, gross profit and % margin. Totalled by sales group and branch.

  • Petty Cash

Options: Date range / Branch

Description: Breakdown of petty cash entries showing date / time, staff member, description, amount, petty cash group and VAT. Totalled by date and branch.

  • Cashing Up Overview

Options: Date range / Branch

Description: Table of all cashing-up records within the specified data range, showing date, opening float, additional float, petty cash taken, counted money, calculated money, difference, banked amount and closing float.

  • Cashing Up Summary

Options: Date range / Branch

Description: Each cashing-up record is displayed separately with a breakdown of money counted (by denomination) and opening float, additional float, petty cash taken, counted money, calculated money, difference, banked amount and closing float.


  • SMS Activity

Options: Date range / Branch / Summary or Detailed


    Summary: Summary table of 'Sent' / 'Delivered' / 'Not Sent' / 'Unknown' plus total number of credits used.

    Detailed: Table of all messages sent with px name, type, credits used, last status, date sent and message ID.