Spotlight understands interchangeable words - typing 'Diary' or 'Appointments' will work
What is Spotlight in Nova?
Spotlight is a feature that gives the user quick-access to commonly performed tasks, i.e. 'Patient Search' or 'Creating a Patient'.
How do you open Spotlight?
You can open Spotlight using the keyboard shortcuts 'Ctrl+/' or 'Ctrl+K', an input box will appear in the top right of the screen, displaying the message 'What do you want to do?'
What can I do with Spotlight?
The available options may change over time but include:
- Show all patients
- Lock the screen
- Create
- Frame stock record
- Sundry item record
- Fee item record
- Contact lens product
- Go to
- Appointments
- Contact Lenses
- Dispenses
- Orders
- Schemes
- Settings (if you have the relevant permission)
- Search
- Patients
- Frames
- Sundries & Fees