This guide will take you through the process of sending recalls from the timeline in FLEX.

Please proceed to the following section of FLEX: 

Homescreen > Double-click recall on the timeline. Then please follow the steps below:

  1. Once you have the timeline open you will see all the recalls that are due to be sent out to the patients up to a given date. For instance this guide has chosen up to the 30/6/24 to display all patients who are due in that time, this is the screen you should see:

    The number of results will vary dramatically depending on the 'up to' date you have chosen. 

  2. If you wish to send the recalls that are in this window, select the include all button in the top right of the screen (as seen below). This will go through all of the recalls and mark them as included. 
  3. Once FLEX has included everyone you can go through and untick the ones you don't need (or don't want to send at the moment) by unticking the include tick box on the individual recall, as seen below.
  4. Once you are happy with the recalls that are to be sent or printed make sure that the letter format option is what you want it to be. The choices are as follows:
    Print - Print to your local printer
    Export - Exports to .csv files to pass onto a 3rd party printing company
    Webpost - Send directly to Webpost
    Label - Print to labels
    Docmail - Send directly to Docmail
  5. Once you have chosen your Letter Format press the button with an envelope and a yellow arrow to send/print your letters

    If you have emails or SMS that are due to be sent these will be sent either through your email details in the setup of FLEX or through 24x (if you have an account).