This guide will take you through the process of changing the staff member in the appointment diary in FLEX.

Please proceed to the following section of FLEX: 

Appointments. Then please follow the steps below:

  1. First of all, find the day or slots you want to change. If you are changing the whole day, select the very top slot, hold the shift down on your keyboard, and then select the very bottom slot. Like below:
    (If you are changing a portion of the day, just select those appointment slots)

    You will notice that all the selected slots will go orange.

  2. Once this has been done, right-click on any of those slots and you will get a menu to choose 'Change Staff'

  3. This will then ask you who you would like to change the staff member to

    We are selecting Outside Rx as our new staff member

  4. You will now see the salutation of the new staff member at the top of the day