This guide will take you through the process of adding a new Staff member in FLEX.

To access this part you will need access to the Setup of FLEX, specifically the Staff / Roles Setup. If you can, then please proceed, if not, please ask a staff member that can access this part of the system.

Please proceed to the following section of FLEX: 

Menu > Setup > Staff / Roles > General. Then please follow the steps below:


  1. You will first be presented with this window, simply click on the new staff option in the top left corner
  2. You will then have a new window pop up on the screen
  3. You will need to fill out the new staff member's details. The following details are necessary (it is recommended to follow this list in this order)

    - Title
    - First name
    - Surname
    - Salutation will be filled in automatically from the First name and Surname fields
    - Username - This is usually a staff member's initials
    - Employee # - This is the number in which the staff member will first open FLEX will
    - Passcode - This is the passcode or pin code that staff members will use the most.
    - eOphthalmic PIN (only necessary for Scottish eGOS)
    - Job Role
    - Branch Access
    - Default Branch

  4. Once the above has been done, click save and you will be taken back to the first screen.