For the initial setup of Referral in Flex, please get in touch with Support e. t. 0800 310 2400
This guide will help with the following (scroll down for these headings) :-
Adding an eReferral
Viewing / Checking/ Updating eReferrals
Notes for Practice – ODS codes- inc. Surgery codes in setup.
1- Adding an eReferral
Go to Patient Record.
Check Surgery is on Patient Record - this is required, add if missing.
To see or Add New eReferrals - use the eGOS England button:
Click on the 'Refer Patient Electronically' button located on the bottom left of this screen:
* Note - GOC Number will need to be on the Staff record to use this feature, an Optometrist should be Referring Patients.
Any previous claims will appear in this list above
Choose the Test from the list that comes up. (If there is only one Test this will automatically be used.)
Use the Tabs at the top and fill in appropriate information. Flex will pull in information from Patient record if available.
Most Tabs will be filled already, Surgery details or Doctor may need sorting for the patient.
You will see "Errors were found" in the Top Right box in if there is missing data. Boxes highlighted in Red need completing before you can "Send".
This last tab allows more details to be added.
Once you submit this, the details get put through your Area provider to their website. This is a one way process.
That website has a login, you will have to add details and complete the submission on there.
It could be possible to add images through the website login, but it is NOT possible through the eReferral (this is how it was specified that we set things up).
NOTE : - You will have to go into webpage to finish the Referral.
2- Viewing/ Checking eReferrals in Flex
Within Patient Record, to see Referrals - use eGOS England button
Then Referrals are shown at the bottom of this screen ;
To check the status of an eReferral you can see them on this screen below. Also, to refresh the status use right-click button;
To Access a Complete List of Referrals:
Go to Business Intelligence -> eReferrals:
There is a Refresh button at top of this screen to update status of Referrals:
To understand what each status means there is help on the Left ;
3- eReferral – Notes for Practice
Practice Staff
The Optometrist that conducted the examination for which they are being referred must be logged in to Refer a patient, they must also have a valid GOC number provided in Setup-> Staff/roles.
Recommended Setup (Not required but strongly recommended)
For every eReferral submission the practice wishes to send it is highly recommended to ensure the patient has an assigned doctor and surgery. It is also strongly recommended the surgery have its ODS code populated (this can be assigned in the Flex setup
Menu -> Setup -> Patients -> Surgeries and Doctors
Below is some advice that we have obtained from a supplier:
eReferrals can be submitted without surgery ODS codes, however, it is helpful if the practice can provide this additional information.
The ODS code data can be found on this website here:
Type in the name of the Surgery in the Search
Once Search done,
The first column is the ODS Code.
To help narrow the search you can click on "Filter" above where Surgeries are listed.
The Filter will allow you to search by Postcode or Telephone number, these are both unique and are good searches.

You may need to specify a The Primary Role: choose "Prescribing Cost Centre"

For any further help: e. t. 0800 310 2400