You need to create a PVN that specifies date and time when Test will be done.

Send off PVN to PCSE, 

once Accepted,  add to GOS6 (scroll down for GOS6 Help.)

Note PVN will need to be requested well before day of Test, at least 24hours.

Creating a PVN

From the Patient Record

Patient Record > eGOS England > Pre-Visit Notification (PVN)

Creating a PVN from the Patient Record, will pre-populate the active patient’s details and assigned Venue (if they have one).

If a patient is a Resident of Care Home/at a Day Centre  then make sure to assign the Venue of the using the box at the bottom right :-

This then allows many Patients to be assigned to one Venue.

From Business Intelligence (B.I)

Business Intelligence > Reporting > NHS England Claims - Pre-Visit Notifications > Create PVN

Creating a PVN from B.I, will generate a blank PVN. The only pre-populated data is the ‘Contractors Details’ which are populated from Branch setup.


Sending a PVN to the NHS

One Sent, check that claim is ACCEPTED.
Once Accepted, this then can be added to top of GOS6.

This specifies a Date AND Time, if any change to date and time of Test,
it is best to create a NEW PVN  this is then added to the GOS6 instead.

VENUES - A claim will need a "Venue" this can be a Care Home, or patients own Home is set as a 'Venue'.

Linking Patients to Venues

Patient Record > Update > Other Actions > Assign to a Venue

Users will be asked if they want to update the Px’s address to the Venue’s address when assigning. Px’s original address will be restored once removed.

see also GOS6 help page.

Cancelling a PVN


In order to cancel a PVN, this needs to be previously Accepted. If not, it can just be deleted.


Editing a (previously submitted) PVN


A different procedure (and XML format) is used if editing a previously submitted PVN (notice it has a PVN Reference).

This can be done, but we recommend create a New PVN.

-------------------------------------------------- GOS 6 -------------------------------------------



When creating a GOS6, it will try to find the PVN submitted for the selected patient and populate the PVN Reference as well as the ‘Address where the sight exam took place’.


Use the small button next to PVN to select a PVN into this form..

Fill in the form and collect Signature on-site once done.


- You will need to have Flex open for this to work, so dial-in to practice or talk to the practice if Off-site.

 As for other GOS forms, when the button is pressed Flex will wait for signature - this can then be done through a signature App - on Android phone or ipad connected to Internet for instance.

We recommend trying this process in the practice , as if off-site. if you have not tried this before away from the practice.

For any futher help on this issue call 0800 310 2400.