The process for adding scans into 'Hosted FLEX' is slightly different as the scanning software does not have direct communication with the FLEX program, instead the scanned files need to be uploaded to the hosted environment before being assigned to a patient.

To make life simple, we have created 'FLEX Scanning' that does all of the hard work for you!

This document assumes that you already have 'FLEX Scanning' installed, if you do not it can be downloaded from

Setting Up FLEX to receive scans

You will need to access FLEX setup for these next steps, if you do not have access please contact your practice manager

   Setting the Upload path

  1. Create the folders 'PxINI' and 'Upload' under \\tsclient\C\Temp
  2. Go to 'Setup->System->PC->PC Settings->FLEX Settings'
  3. In the 'Image Manager' section, set the 'Px INI Path' and 'Upload Path' by clicking the select button next to them and browsing to the locations you want to use


* The 'PX INI Path' and 'Upload Path' must be different
* When browsing for a path you are looking for 'C on <MyComputerName>'
* The resulting paths will look like '\\tsclient\c\<filepath>' (see below)

   Switch on FLEX Imaging

  1. Go to 'Setup->Branch->General' and double-click your branch name
  2. Click the 'Images' tab and enable 'FLEX Imaging' by ticking the checkbox
  3. Click 'Save'

Setting up FLEX Scanning

  1. Open 'FLEX Scanning' and click the 'Setup' button to display the window below
  2. Use the file select buttons to choose the 'Upload Folder' and 'Px INI Folder' paths, these must be identical to to those you chose in FLEX in the steps above but without the '\\tsclient\c\' notation (see image above)
  3. Click Validate

You are all setup and ready to go!