• Create a New dispense for the Patient. 
  • Under the tab Measurements at the top of the screen – click the drop-down menu of “Essilor Visioffice.”
  • A screen pops out and the screen below will appear.  

  • Click the Export button and Visioffice will load. Create a new patient at the bottom of Visioffice and the details from FLEX will be populated. The image below shows what will be populated.
  • You will then need to create the dispense in VisiOffice.
  • Once this is done, under that Patient in FLEX, Click the Measurements Button. 
  • On the bottom of that screen there is an “Export” button. Click this and a new file will be created.
  • Back in FLEX click Import. FLEX will automatically detect that this patient has a new dispense created and import the details over.