The options discussed on this page are found by selecing Menu > Setup > Staff
The most common change here is marking if a staff member is an Optometrist, Contact Lens Opticians, Dispensing Optician or a mix of the three. Tick boxes as appropriate.
Enable Copy Previous Rx means that previous retractions can be copied into the Sight Examination record.
View "Due" Patients on Active List means that patients who are due to arrive for their appointment will be shown in The Active Patient List of the user.
Allow to Delete Sight Test and CL Exam options mean that when the user right-clicks on a ST or CL, have the ability to right-click and Delete.
Enable Manager Home Screen means that the user can see "Mgr. Home" directly to the right of their Home screen icon
Change Timeline Date means that the user can change the date recalls are being run from / to
Allow Export of Px's Addresses allows the user to export data in the Data Mining tab of Business Intelligence
Allow to view prices allows the user to see the cost price of stock items.
Allow to Task Anyone means that when a Staff Task is raised, the user can send it to everyone
Allow to Close Tasks does just that!
Ticking these buttons allow various functionality per user on the Till when accessing the over-ride facility and/or the Cashing-Up
Allow Full Editing of Rx means that the Rx can be fully updated at point of Dispense
Allow Editing of Item Price authorises staff members in the role group to be able to change the selling price of items on a Dispense. Audit file entries are made for any price changes that are made.
Allow Voiding Dispenses authorises staff members to void dispenses.
Other Settings
Should all be fairly intuitive, please contact us for further assistance.
Available Reports
Within this section, reports can added which are then viewed in the Business Intelligence area. Drag and drop a report from right to left to enable it to be viewed. To remove this access, right-click and Remove Access as shown below.

To create a similar role, press Copy Role. The box below will appear, select which role should be copied and press select. After this, a box asking you to name the new role will appear. This is often used to create another Practice Manager who is/is not an Optom.

This role will then appear in the list on the first screen.
It can be deleted by right-clicking and pressing - Delete This Role