The Corporate Module is mostly managed through Menu - Setup - Till - Corporate. This page summarises where else it is used.

As a Payment Method:
If Corporate payments are being taken, Corporate should appear as a Payment Method in this table (see link above) and the Corporate box. should be ticked. When buttons relating to this payment method are clicked on the Till, only patients assigned to a Corporate Client can pay using this method.

As part of a Dispense:
The Dispensing module has a pop-up window showing Corporate contributions available / the rules for the client

In the Patient Record

Patients can be assigned to (and removed from) a Corporate. To do this, click onto Update and Other Actions. Choose "Assign to Corporate". The following box appears:

Pick the client and press Select. To remove, click onto Update and Other Actions. Choose "Remove from Corporate". Note that this option is always called "Assign to a Corporate" unless they have already been assigned to one.