To Credit an Item / Items...

  • Double click on the item you wish to credit (i.e. take back) on the till receipt.
  • Enter your staff pin number when prompted. (Ability to credit items is controlled by staff roles)
  • Select the Credit option from the pop up menu.

All items which can be credited will then be listed in the pop up menu shown below.

Press Credit £ or Credit % on the item you wish to credit.

Click Confirm once all of the appropriate items have been credited.

If a payment has been taken against the credited item, you will then be prompted to give a refund on the linked payment. This is shown below.

Choose the Amount to refund and select the Payment Method. You can then press Add Refund. 

If there is an NHS Voucher to refund, press 'Reduce Voucher' and enter the amount the voucher will be refunded by. This is generally 100% of the value.

Once you are happy with your work, choose Confirm

Due to compliance with MTD (Making Tax Digital) which is outside of Optinet control, some of the functionality around credits and refunds may be limited if the receipt has already been 'cashed up'.