Create a Takeaway

If a Patient wishes to take the prescription to be dispensed elsewhere, the you can generate a GOS3 takeaway form.

This is started through eGOS within Patient Record :-

Before you can create the takeaway, you need to create and submit a gos1. This generates a code when accepted which is needed on the takeaway form.


If ready, the GOS1 code is attached as you open the takeaway form.

SO, say YES if offered to link GOS1 to GOS3 (this adds the code)

This code will appear at the bottom of the GOS3,  (scroll down the form)  like this :-


If NOT, at the bottom of the Takeaway (GOS3_VO), the box is highlighted in pink as pictured below.


If needed you can add the GOS1 code later once the Gos1 is Accepted/Paid by selecting the button to the right of the pink highlighted box […].

Submit Form to NHS

Once submitted, the Takeaway Code is generated and
Form Status goes to Terminated (Not - Accepted or Payment Sent - as payment is not going to yourselves)


Codes now appear on the form, you can see them if you reopen the claim


You can now print off the form, on plain paper, with codes and your details already on.

Print the Form

This prints the claim on blank paper
The test and practice details are printed out alongside the takeaway codes

The print option is found by either - Choosing Terminated claim in eGOS on Patient Record

Print claim appears above next to Claims for Px :-


selecting Business Intelligence followed by NHS England,

Select the following filters on the left of the screen, this will show any terminated takeaway vouchers (these are ones which have been submitted without error) 



Select the claim you would like to print and then select “Print GOS3 Take-Away Voucher” from top of screen



Retrieve a GOS3 Claim

If the patient has had a test elsewhere, the claim is started, and waiting with the NHS for someone to complete it.
For new patients, you would first need to add the Patient into Flex. Make sure the following are correct as they are checked against the claim on the NHS system to make sure you are pulling through the claim for the right person

  • DoB
  • Address
  • Name

Once the patient is in Flex, select the eGos button on their record,

followed by Retrieve GOS3,

This will then Prompt as below


here you key in the two Codes you have from the Patient, generated by the other practice.

If the details of the Patient within match, this claim is Retrieved,

then, the Claim is completed as per a normal eGOS 3 claim.

If these codes are not accepted, call the Optinet Support Line on 0800 310 2400.